Don’t miss these. Or don’t beat yourself up if you do, because it’s all pretty fabulous. But really, don’t miss these.
11:00 Switch to island time and hold hands with Sean and Justine Mahoney’s giant inflatable sculpture Mighty Ndebele. ISLAND
12:00 Unleash your fantasy self at the Littlegig Concept Store. Bring your wallet if you want to take your show on the road, or at least out of the shop. CONCEPT STORE
14:20 Watch Stelth Ulvang of the Lumineers regale, leap, instrument-hop. A showman like no other. FOREST STAGE
15:30 Stock up on essentials…suntan oil, cigarettes, condoms…you never know where things may lead. FREE STORE
18:00 Praise the golden hour with Cameroonian-New Zealand singer and beatmaker Estère. FOREST STAGE
20:00 Tune in to the fierce frequency of the Diskotekah kweens opening the floor with a transcendental lip sync performance. CONCEPT STORE
21:30 Have a laugh with British comedian and (kid-you-not) Pink Floyd bass guitarist, Guy Pratt. GIN BAR
22:00 Stomp to the beat of Black Motion, the most happening duo in the SA house music scene. BASKETBALL NIGHT STAGE
23:00 Lie in a cocoon in a tree, listening to 20 minutes of deep brainwave music and recharge your festival soul. DEEP SLEEP EXPERIENCE
00:00 Search for the Secret After Party chariot and fly away. SECRET LOCATION